The Return of the Cane


Recent studies have shown that high fructose corn syrup leads to obesity. Some companies are acting quickly to satisfy consumer needs and profit on the trend away from high fructose corn syrup. But what is their magical ingredient, you ask?  Oh wait, yes, sugar.


If only they’d put it back into Coca-Cola so my rum and Coke tasted good again.

As an aside, would it be “rum and Cokes” or “rums and Cokes” or “rum-and-cokes”?


  1. If using proper Coke it would be rum and Coke. If using Pepsi or some other Coke want-to-be it would be rum and coke. If mixing multiple rum and “coke” brands it would be rums and cokes. Either way; the best mix is Salior Jerry and Coke.

  2. I think ‘Coke’ has taken on a common usage meaning any brown cola. Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and all the various off brands are all ‘Coke’ in my mind. (Like Kleenex and tissues, and Hoover and vacuums, the latter in the UK anyway.)

    So, ‘Rum and Coke’ is just rum and any brown cola. I would be very specific with a bartender if I wanted to be sure that I was getting Coca-Cola.

    Interestingly, I prefer Pepsi as a soda, but when mixing with booze, I always ask for Coca-Cola. I think it mixes better.

  3. More sugar in products please. Replacing sugar with high fructose corn syrup was always a mistake. Forget about the potential obesity issue, I always found products made with sugar to be more crisp and clean than those made with corn syrup.

    For example: try Goose Island root beer (Chicago) against any other brand (A&W, Mug, etc.) and you should notice a subtle, but obvious difference. And I personally think the difference is in the favour of sugar.

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