Hacked by Government Operatives!

As I mentioned previously on chickenmonkeydog, I have a sat nav called Tomasina. When not in use, Tomasina rests in her case in my desk. Power off. Resting. Until I need her helpful assistance.

This afternoon, whilst I was at work, in my office, nowhere near my car, I suddenly heard Tomasina announcing directions to me. She warned me to prepare to take the 3rd exit at the next roundabout. Shocked by sudden eruption from what was a powered-off electronic device, I ripped open my desk and pulled Tomasina from her case.

Sure enough, Tomasina was on and, even more surprisingly, had me motoring north down the M40, approaching junction 9 (where the M40 meets the A41/A34). That’s at least 20 minutes by car from where I keep my desk!

My sat nav hacked by the government

More than a little concerned that my sat nav might have just been hacked into by MI5 or MI6 on some covert operation, I put the device as far away from me as could. (Well, at least as far as I could without getting out of my chair.)

Then, about 15 minutes later, Tomasina announced that I had reached my destination! Now, really frightened that I might be taken away by government operatives or possibly even be interviewed by the conspiracy theorists at Fox News, I immediately shut Tomasina off, not even looking to see to where I had arrived.

So, if I go missing and this blog is no longer updated, will one of you, fair readers, please raise the alarm? The photo that I’ve posted above can serve as proof of my story.


  1. Check the manual.. may be the device is programmed to play such tricks on April 1. I suggest you get it serviced because it played the trick in July! =0

  2. @ Quirky Indian –
    I’ve not seen the latest Bond film, but yes, it was very much like that!

    @ Jim –
    The Matrix! I hadn’t thought about that. Now I am even more concerned! Ha-ha.

    @ Balu –
    That would be the best possible reason. I think I’ll follow your lead and get it checked out.

  3. I think it is proven fact that navigation units when not used enough will day dream about going somewhere. Or maybe it is a ghost telling you where to go so you can help the haunting spirit finally go to rest.

  4. @ Brad –

    Thanks for visiting and for the comment. Nice one. I really like the idea of Tomasina day-dreaming about where she’d like to navigate to.

  5. Thanks cousin Chicken Monkey – I appreciated your feedback & maybe I’ll resurrect Donkey or at least try to update my newer blog.

  6. @ Brad –
    Let us know if you do resurrect the chickenmonkeydonkey. Meanwhile, we’ll keep carrying on the chickenmonkey tradition.

  7. I like the idea of navigation units thinking about where they want to go….perhaps Tomasina was on her way to visit her significant other….or could be the geosynchronous orbiting satellites have mixed it up for the day in an effort to fool all the gps units?

  8. @ Mark –

    Whilst I too like the idea of sat navs thinking about where they want to go, I am not sure that Tomasina is really old enough to date. I don’t want her bringing around strange sat navs to the house at all hours of the night.

    As for the satellites collectively pranking the GPS systems of the world, that might just be the first sign of the rise of the machines!

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