Social Wardrobe Obligation

In some ways I wish I were a doctor, so that in situations when emergencies occur and the call goes out:


I could respond and save the day. But I’m not a doctor.

So when I saw this emergency notification posted up in my hotel this week, I responded with all the celerity and confidence that I imagined a doctor would possess in times of need.

Shoes and shirt required in the lobby

I went to bed shirtless and shoeless, but when duty calls, who am I to turn away? No, I’m no hero, but I will say that I slept better knowing that the shirt and shoe crisis in the lobby had been averted, thanks to me.


  1. Every business in America has this sign. When did we as a nation decide that we don’t care about pants or socks just so long as a person has on a shirt and shoes? Seems like we’re being awfully callous to the pants and socks of the world.

  2. @ Supercynic

    Great point! Why are pants and socks the unwanted step-children of the clothing family? Personally I owe a lot to pants…they’ve been with me through quite a lot of my life.

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