Café Taxidermista

Chapter Three* from Spain:

Hungry anyone?

Thanks again to the chickenmonkeydoggian from Chicago for submitting all these quirky moments from her recent trip to Spain.

Here at ChickenMonkeyDog we encourage all of our visitors to submit photos of the quirky things they encounter to chickenmonkeydog [at] gmail [dot] com!

* Our Technical Editor has lost track of which number in the series this Spanish guest post.


  1. Do you choose your meal live, such as one sees in some fisheries and seafood establishments? If so one could have the critter stuffed while you too get stuffed.

  2. I think the ‘ista’ suffix is probably one of the sexier ones out there.

    I am a communications designer … but life could be so much cooler if I was a Communications Designista!

  3. @ Conall.

    Love it! That is so cool! Maybe use some unemployment checks to get business cards with that on it. Hilarious!

  4. So are fancy coffee pourers, or baristas, already as cool as possible? Perhaps a new career path for you Liam.

  5. Question 1: Why did no one yet comment on the backwards accent on “Cafe” on the sign?

    Question 2: Cafe Restaurant? Really? Maybe they just felt like they really needed to assert the fact that they sell dead animals as food, not stuffed.

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