Why is Soccer (Football) So Popular?

I don’t have statistics to back this up, but soccer has to be one of the most popular, if not the most popular, sports in the world.

I’ve often wondered what it is about the sport which makes it so popular.

Is it the team play? Is it the length of the game? The fact that a hero can be made with a single play? Perhaps it is just because anyone can play with little or no required sports equipment?

Why do you think soccer is so popular?


  1. I definately think it is due to the fact that one can play soccer with little equipment — and even with little skill — and still have an enjoyable time. I think that in many parts of the world, the simplicity of the game is the attraction.

  2. Interesting question. I’ve really never thought much about why the world loves it and why I enjoy it.

    I do not enjoy watching traditional American sports (football, baseball, basketball, hockey, etc.) and played some of them while growing up.

    As Meaghan stated it doesn’t seem unreasonable that a low-entry cost would be in the plus column, for much of the world doesn’t enjoy the the wealth of ourselves and European counterparts. I would further agree the general simplicity of the game (few rules) makes for a sport that continually moves and isn’t interrupted by non-stop penalties, etc. (this also plays into the cost-issue as games don’t require tens of officials).

    But I can’t think of any single or over-arching point that explains the sports popularity around the globe. All I know is I don’t find it boring (the complaint of many Americans) in the least and will have to give further consideration to this most interesting and perplexing question.

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