White Castle Sale

A White Castle I passed had this sale advertised:

any 3 cheeseburgers $2.00 with purchase

Let me get this right. If I make a purchase, I can then buy 3 cheeseburgers for $2.  Isn’t that itself a purchase?

And what do you mean “any 3 cheeseburgers”? Can I come in the back and pick the ones I want? Will you be selecting three at random? Perhaps you’ll sell me one left-over from yesterday, one from McDonald’s and one that the patron in the corner just took a bite out of?


  1. This doesn’t have anything to do with todays topic but I just had to share this story. I got in the post today a wonderful postcard from one of my brothers. On the front was the chickenmonkeydog letterhead with the website as well. Needless to say I was very impressed and quite overjoyed not only to receive a postcard, but to receive an official chickenmonekydog one at that.

  2. That is cause to celebrate! Go directly to White Castle and buy something so you can then buy 3 hamburgers.

  3. @ Bridget –

    Yes, yes, you’ve outed our guerilla marketing techniques! Look for further details on an upcoming post.

    @ am –

    I am not sure I could stomach three White Castle Hamburgers. Uuuughh. Seems like asking for trouble.

  4. @ Pat –

    I think the sign was in Chicago. Not entirely sure though. No idea if the sign is still up. I am checking with our Creative Editor to see if he can provide this information.

  5. As of two weeks ago the sign was up. On Chicago’s southern front, I believe around Cermak and State. Happy hunting (if you really like WC)!

  6. I am a manager at a Chicago location & the sign was part of a promotion running thru March 2009 – it was you’re choice of 3 regular cheeseburgers, 3 jalapeño cheeseburgers, 3 bacon cheeseburgers or mix-n-match them….the price of the burgers would be $2 with the purchase of a side item (fries, mozzarella sticks, onion rings/pettels, fish nibblers, or chicken rings). The promotion was meant to encourage a drink purchase also but the in-castle contest during the promotion was focused on selling sides – hence the in-casle sinage/Drive-thru menu screens reading PICK A SIDE, WILL YA!

    The contest was 2 castles PER REGION that sold the most side items during the promotion all the team members of those 2 castles would recieve $25 local gift certificates, Managers got $50 gift certs & GM’s got a $100 gift cert.

    PS: here in Chicago a regular cheeseburger’s regular price, before tax is 81 cents each, a jalapeño cheeseburger runs 99 cents and a bacon cheeseburger goes for $1.19

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