What Would a “PhD” Title Do for Your Resume?

I received an email the other day that caught my attention. The subject line in particular made me want to inspect what sort of spam I had just received: What would a “PhD” title do for your resume?

Here’s the full email:

From: Monique Robinson
Subject: What would a “PhD” title do for your resume?

Wow, no classes, no test and an accredited degree! New incomes and your new Life.
You calls are accepted round the clock Inside usa: 1-603-509-2001. Call Outside usa.: +1-603-590-2001 Then contact us or leave a voicemail with your name and contact phonenumber. (with country-code)

In reading through the body of the email, I pondered the offer. Then I decided that I had the makings of a chickenmonkeydog post.

Let’s make a few assumptions:

(1) A “PhD” title would be good for my resume.
(2) The offer of such a title from Monique Robinson is most likely a scam.

With those assumptions agreed, why would I be interested in paying for some sort of dodgy, less than well-earned credentials when I could just make them up myself? Look at this way: why pay Monique Robinson for a PhD plaque from the University of Sketchyville, when I can simply add a few lines about a doctorate from Harvard to my resume for free?

P.S. I sure hope Monique is not pushing doctorates in English grammar as her own was atrocious.

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