We Didn’t Start the Fire

Don't move firewood, it BUGS me!

The bumper sticker reads “Don’t move firewood, it BUGS me!”


Not having a clue what this meant, I put Google to the test.  Turns out that this bumper sticker is reminding me not to move firewood to other parts of the State because I could be transporting Emerald Ash Borer bugs and therefore spreading the tree disease.

Does this mean I should be cutting down the trees around my house in order to have firewood? And how far away is considered ‘another part’ of the State?  What if the wood I’m moving isn’t for firewood?  Then is it ok?  How does the Emerald Ash Borer know what is and is not firewood?

Bumper sticker fail.


  1. Does it specifically say other parts of the state? Can I move it out of state? Wouldn’t burning the tree kill the bugs? So, wouldn’t we want to burn the infected trees?

  2. It sounds like these might be super-bugs – like cockroaches – They know when they are moved 10 miles away, they fly, and they can withstand fire! Now if we can just get them capes….

  3. Although the message of the bumper sticker might not have been immediately clear, that it caused one to look into the matter strikes me as bumper sticker win.

    Ok, the overall campaign might not be sufficiently well thought through either, but the bumper sticker did what is was supposed to do: make one stop and think about bugs and firewood.


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