Timing is Everything

eggs and Cheerios

Why are some foods only delicious at certain parts of the day?  I realize this is not a universal problem, but there are people for whom there are “breakfast foods” and “everything else.”  I am one of those people.  Give me scrambled eggs as my first meal of the day and I couldn’t be happier, but give them to me in the evening and I won’t go near them.  Why does the timing of the meal matter so much?  Can’t I just like eggs or cereal no matter what?

(Unless I wake up hungover… in which case, bring on the cheeseburger!)


  1. Breakfast for dinner is my FAVE! Mmmm give me an omelete at 7pm and I am totally a happy camper.

  2. I’m with LaLa on this. Breakfast for dinner is a huge treat! Bacon, sausages, fried eggs, cheese, grilled mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and baked beans. That’s a whale of a meal at any time of the day or night!

  3. Breakfast seems to work anytime for me, but I cannot imagine typical lunch or dinner fare at breakfast. That is strange….

    Perhaps it’s time for a CMD-sponsored experimen into this important matter?

  4. Now, what if I served up the eggs that I’d prepared for breakfast in the morning as your dinner? I don’t think much is worse than cold scrambled eggs.

  5. I was inspired by this post, and had a scrambled egg and sausage sandwich last night. Delish. Thanks, CMD!

  6. @ LaLa

    Last night I had bacon, toast and beans. Who knew that chickenmonkeydog.com was such a culinary force?

    Look out Julia Child and Nigella Lawson!

  7. I agree with Forkboy1965 – it sounds like breakfast for dinner is usually okay (and beloved), but not dinner for breakfast. Unless the dinner for breakfast people are not as vocal a group?

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