This Is Not a Pyramid Scam !!!!!

I received something in my mailbox last week that had a typed address label and no return address on the envelope.  It was postmarked in Provo, Utah – where I know no one. I hesitantly opened the envelope and pulled out the following letter.

Download letter (PDF: 585KB).

It’s basically a how-to guide/get-rich-quick scheme for making lots of money. So it’s only too perfect that the letter arrived with postage due of 17 cents.

What are your favorite parts of the letter?


  1. What is NOT to love about this letter? The bad grammar and spelling mistakes? The “testimonials”? The assurance that this is legal?

    It all makes me feel very safe and cozy. SIGN ME UP NOW.

    A pyramid scheme is a non-sustainable business model that involves the exchange of money primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, often without any product or service being delivered.

    …. But this is not a Pyramid Scheme.

  2. @ Chickenmonkeydog

    Thanks for sharing this! I was just thinking I could definitely use an extra $813,615 in my pocket and this looks like just the way to get it.

  3. As an investment professional, I am confident that this letter will produce outstanding returns if sent to all the folks that already believe that you can reduce total healthcare costs by increasing the number of folks covered!

  4. If you spell honesty incorrectly, is that like talking with your fingers crossed behind your back?

  5. I Love the Random Capitalisation that The letter uses. Hilarious!

    P.S. The letter wasn’t very specific on a point of interest: if we can get 200 people to download the letter from, can we make similar amounts of money?

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