The Words What Annoy Us

We all have our pet peeves of words and phrases that annoy us, or that we think our modern language can do without.

For me, the number one phrase of annoyance is ‘needless to say’. Why do people start a sentence with that phrase, and then go to follow it with some thought or idea? No sentence should ever begin with that phrase. If something really is ‘needless to say’, then why waste time saying it?

So, what phrases or sayings annoy you? Go on, tell us, you know you want a space to complain. This is the place!


  1. “With all due respect” as inevitably the following statement will be insulting. Also, “no offense, but” for similar reasons. English is truly an amazing language.

  2. I really hate it when people say they could care less when stating how they do not care. If you could care less clearly you care about the issue. They should be saying they couldn’t care less.

  3. The phrase “to be honest” seems to be getting far too much play these days.

    I like to think people are generally honest with me, but when they specify that certain things they say are honest, I am not sure I ought to trust the other things they tell me.

    Admittedly, I am guilty of over using the phrase myself.

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