The Ubiquitous Cat

I stopped at a roadside fruit stand on a country road on a recent Saturday. When picking up some fresh strawberries, I was surprised by the sign I saw there.

What?!? Is there some god-like that can randomly appear with the confines of my car? Maybe there was a local nefarious gang whose initiation rights include trying to sneak cats into the cars of innocent bystanders?


  1. Few people know this, but cats are somewhat transdimensional. I say somewhat because they tend to get lost in the milue of interdimentional entanglement. They end up in all sorts of strange places. However, there is a statistical variance of 3 standard deviations towards cats appearing in normal space around fruit stands and vegatable gardens. (diagram) The electromagnetic field of a recently shut down car creates attractive force wells that make them the most likely target for a in-folding cat.

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