The Oddities of the Search

Search terms screenshot

One of the unexpected joys of running a daily blog is reviewing the searches that bring visitors to chickenmonkeydog. With now more than 8 months of blogging behind us, we thought we would share some of the more entertaining and interesting searches that have swept visitors to our site:

Filed under ‘No surprises here’:
chicken monkey shoes

Filed under ‘A bit of a stretch’:
indian pointy slippers
“barefoot” “acceptable”

Filed under ‘No idea how they got here’:
buster martin marathon
glass building
be my friend spell

Filed under ‘Searched by weirdos’:
how to measure women feet
weird monkey on dog’s back
bikes slippers crotch

Filed under ‘Frightening’:
abuse a


  1. Hi Shefaly –

    I am not sure if it is the unifying logic of the universe or Google’s secretive algorithms … either way, though, the profundity of the connections are beyond me.

  2. In addition to knowing what was searched to arrive at chickenmonkeydog, I would also like to see what the searchers were actually looking for. This would be similar to how Amazon will show you, for any product you look up, what other buyers who looked at that product ended up buying.

  3. I wonder how many of the odd searches entered were satisfied when they ended up here. Was this web site really what “bike slippers crotch” or “abuse a” were looking for? Perhaps I am at the wrong web site…..

  4. Ah, once is funny. Twice is scary. Three times is a definite trend.

    Maybe you should do this post again in 3 months time and see how many weirdos stop by with their weird searches.

  5. Hi CheekyMonkey –

    That’s a good idea! We’ve put a reminder notice to make sure that we review the searches in December. Thanks for the idea!

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