That’s an Expensive Dump!

Another of our American readers sent us a photo that we thought we would share with you. For reasons that may be clear later in this post, our reader declined our offer to thank him by name on our blog.

Now, I know that the economy has been slowing down – heck, Radio 4 reminds us of it about every 20 minutes or so – and inflation has been on the increase. Day-to-day expenses are getting more expensive and, well, petrol costs are desperately high, even in America.

But I have to say, Bredeman’s is taking it too far. Do they really think that they can charge that much?! Sure, with 12 feet, they certainly have bragging rights (if not a little soreness too), but almost $30,000? Who do they think they are kidding?

A big dump

Just a reminder that we encourage you to send us photos of signs, places or situations that strike you as funny, weird or just plain wrong. We’re always up for a seeing what you’ve come across!

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