Slang In Slang Out

A vacuumThat equals that.

And blow is the opposite of suck.

Yet that “that blows” and “that sucks” mean pretty much the same thing.

Anyone else out there that is kind of odd?


  1. And in merry ol England it’s not “to vacuum”, but “to hoover”.

    It is all very odd.

  2. I’ve been wondering, when Apple comes out with a fabulously designed new vacuum cleaner, will they call it the “iSuck”?

  3. @ Forkboy,

    The use of ‘hoover’ for vacuum is pretty funny. It’s about brand saturation, I guess. In the US, we call a tissue a ‘Kleenex’. In previous decades, we were known to ask to ‘xerox’ something rather than copy it, and of course, asking for a ‘coke’ when we really mean any soda.

  4. @all, suck is the opposite of blow, yes, but they are intricately woven into one action in the biological space. One must suck air in, and then blow it out, suck it in, blow it out.

    In essence, suck is the yin to blow’s yang.

  5. I believe both blow and suck are references to fellatio. I’m reminded of the “before your time” moment at the start of a Saturday Night Live segment that started with Chevy Chase on the phone saying “No, no. You don’t blow on it…oops, gotta go…”

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