Passage to a Different Dimension?

Wandering through the English countryside, I noticed this little gate. It was not attached to any fence and I could see no significant difference between the land on one side of the gate and the other.

A single gate in the middle of a field

Upon closer inspection I saw this sign upon the gate:

Sign on the gate reading 'Please shut the gate'

That made me laugh! I didn’t understand why there was a need to keep the gate closed, when one could easily walk around it. Only later did it dawn on me…

Clearly this gate must be a portal to another dimension!  What else can explain the lack of a fence on either side? There is no need for a fence when the gate itself is the only way in. Alas, I didn’t think of this until much later, when I was reviewing my photos, so I can not report any extraordinary findings from a trip through the gate.  Next time I pass that way I’ll step through and let you know what I discover.


  1. Ha ha ha…yes, it is a portal to another dimension, or a wormhole to another planet…..and definitely merits further exploration. As for the sign, I guess it is to prevent people from that dimension from slipping know how the UK and the US feel about illegal aliens!


    Quirky Indian

  2. Good thing you didn’t go through the gate. I just took my folklore exam and I am well studied in fairies and those mortals who go through to the fairy world often are never heard from again. Could you imagine the obituary?

  3. Well, I know where the gate is so I could escort a volunteer willing to venture into the unknown. I am afraid that I would have to stop on this side of the gate, but at least I could get someone that far.

    Any volunteers?

  4. I wish you had posted this item a week ago — alas, Pat and I had to put beloved Sophia down the day after Thanksgiving. Imagine how much more exciting it would have been for her to pass through that gate as a test subject!

  5. just to clarify my previous posting….Sophia was my dog… she would have liked to have been the first dog to venture into another dimension through that gate.

  6. I can volunteer my dog, Angus the asshole, who has eaten various lunch boxes, food items, leather gloves (2 sets) and shoes over the last month or so. I would be (very) willing to let him be a test subject.

  7. @ Noel

    With a bit of luck, maybe the various items he has consumed will be spontaneously ejected back through the gate when Angus goes though! We’re dealing with the edge of our known world here, so who knows…

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