Mint-Based Meal Rating

Restaurants ought to annotate their menus to include a breath-mint-rating for each dish. Each dish would be scored based on the number of standard breath mints it would require to remove the smell and taste of the meal from one’s mouth.

Of course, this would necessitate the definition of standard breath mint, and I don’t imagine even the visionaries in this field pretend that could happen over night. A stop-gap measure could be that the restaurants would simply declare the breath-mint-rating based on the breath mints which they provide at the end of the meal.

Candy canes

This morning for breakfast I enjoyed a tasty home-made gyros, which required at least three of these little peppermint candy canes. Testing is still under way to determine if the three mints were sufficient.


  1. I’ll leave our readers to comment on the suitability of mint-based meal ratings … I would rather know what the hell you were doing having gyros (kebabs) for breakfast?! Have you no sympathy for your intestinal track? I am sure it was less than impressed with your choice of breakfast of champions.

  2. @ Liam

    When the gyros are homemade, and you live in a house where leftovers don’t necessarily last until the next meal, you have to take the good stuff when you can get it.

    @ humaira

    I will test the gyros. I am thinking the basis of knowledge required for the rest of the ratings will be most easily created “wiki” style, with people providing insights about the dishes they have access to.

  3. @ Conall –

    Ok, fair point. Catch as catch can. Still, I hope you gave your stomach something gentle before you rammed the gyros down there.

    And, back to your point: were three mints sufficient?

  4. @ Conall –

    I love it when science and technology come together. The science of your mint-based-meal-rating combines with the innovative technology behind the modern candy-cane. Brilliant!

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