Ménage a Wine?

Ménage a trois wine

Sure, it’s a title to grab attention, but is it really the image you want to be calling to mind when people are buying your products?

Big shout out to a reader from Chicago for submitting these pics taken at a local grocery store!

You too can submit photos of the quirky things you encounter to chickenmonkeydog [at] gmail [dot] com!


  1. I find the name of the winery (Folie a Deux) to be more concerning. Everyone knows that sex sells, but mental illness? No thanks.

  2. Well, Meghan’s comment pretty much killed my joke. I was gonna say something about ‘swinging over to my place’ to discuss the wine name, but I guess I’ll just be disgusted instead.

    Is it wrong that I was happy in my ignorance of not knowing what Folie à Deux meant?

  3. @ Liam

    What? Why are you disgusted by delusions? It could be argued that religion is simply ‘folie à plusieurs’…

  4. I was passing by a store on West 58th NYC last week, and thought I’d pop in and see if they had a bottle of this. The bloke behind the counter scoffed, and answered, you might want to try downtown to find a wine with a name like that.

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