Lost: One Internet

Sorry everyone. You may have noticed that the internet is missing.

Yes, I left the internet with my iPad for like 20 minutes while I ran an errand and when I got back it had lost the internet. It feels terrible about this and has seriously panicked. It’s been looking everywhere; I’ve been looking everywhere. The internet just seems to have disappeared into the ether.

Really sorry to have to ask you to do this, but if you happen to stumble across the internet anywhere, could you please let us all know. It’s usually pretty friendly, although it does have some rough bits, so please approach with caution. It responds to “world wide web,” “the net,” and simply “the web.”

Thanks for your help. Once again, my iPad and I are really really sorry about this.


  1. I found it! The internet is really mad at you and your iPad for being irresponsible and misplacing it. Next time get a leash.

  2. Oh the leash is my suggestion, I’m curious to see how you’d leash the world wide web..any ideas?

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