I Need Some Help Washing My Hands

Why do so many people leave the bathroom without washing their hands? Furthermore, is this a tendency that only exists among men, or do women also partake in this non-sanitary agenda? It seems to me like it would be as gross for the person not washing hands as it is for everyone else, so I really have no idea.

Still, while I may not know how wide-spread this “non-hand-washing” epidemic is spread, I can provide you with one useful piece of info. On Southport Avenue in Chicago you can find a store which offers “expert handwashing” for those folks that need a little help or instruction. Feel free to refer people.

window sign offering expert handwashing


  1. Ok, handwashing I get. ‘Restoration’? Is that the application of fine hand lotions? Perhaps cuticle treatment? A manicure of sorts?

  2. Do you think people who don’t wash their hands in public bathrooms also don’t wash at home?

    Do those folks wonder why there are sinks in the bathroom?

    Do they write blog posts asking why some folks feel the need to wash their hands after using the bathroom?

  3. That’s a good question. If I was six inches taller and thirty pounds heavier I would make a point of asking that question to guys whom I witness not washing their hands. That way, I would be too big for them to beat up, even if my question offended them.

    Do you think that there are any recent studies on this?

  4. i make mention of this topic many of times. i happen to work on a very visual and important project in a foreign area that requires me to travel with other members of our team to a place that is oustide of our normal comfort zone. As to my point, i have been a witness on several occasions that an important member of our team does not wash their hands. now, i have been on this project for over two years and within those two years, you see just about every male member in the bathroom. One time– i imagine would be an oddity. Twice would be a coincidence, but the third, forth and fifth time I start to wonder……. In addition to this, this person is a smoker and so I wonder to myself that in his countless and illustrious public career, negotiating hundreds of contracts for in upwards of billions of dollars, what diseases have been passed by him to his client. it sounds to me like a link to the next pandemic in our culture.–you are forewarned

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