Go To The Bathroom


Today’s quirky relation comes by way of a brief story. On my short walk to the train today I walked past a man. The man was standing on the sidewalk by a tree, which had a five foot square of dirt around it.

The man was not alone.

At the end of a short leash, the man had a dog. The man, it appeared, was hoping the dog would go to the bathroom on the square of dirt around the tree.

However, the dog did not seem interested in this activity at this time and kept wandering away from the dirt pad. Each time, the owner pulled the dog back to the tree and said, “hurry up and go to the bathroom!”

I am not a dog owner, and I do not know if this approach was likely to result in the outcome the owner was aiming for, but I did have a few quirky thoughts to share.

(1) Do dogs have the ability to pee and/or poop on command? 

(2) The phrase “go to the bathroom” seems like it would be hard to teach a dog to understand, as well as very confusing since you actually want the dog to pee or poop definitively not in a bathroom.

(3) I wonder if the dog continually wandering off was actually it’s attempt to go find a bathroom to use.


  1. 1) Yes.

    2) Not to hard.

    3) Most likely that is the case.

    @am, you don’t know what you are missing. Don’t get me wrong, some dogs are awful. I used to be a cat person, but I had a cat that was a terror. It needed constant unending attention. It bit people when they came over. I got him a new home (God help them) and later my wife and I got a dog. This dog is a golden retriever dachshund mix (don’t ask). All I have to do is take him out twice a day and feed him. He is neither slobbery or smelly and unbelievably low maintenance. He is quite literally just there, almost like a roommate.

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