Evil Appliance?


Take a look around your kitchen and home. Of all the various appliances you see, which do you suspect is the most evil?

Not evil in the “it does damage to the planet” sense, but rather in the sense that it is truly nefarious and scheming. Or, which do you suspect would be the most evil, if appliances could be such a thing.

I suspect my microwave probably has some treacherous designs, but then again…I’ve got a funny feeling about the blender too.

By the way, what is the word for ascribing human emotions to non-living products? Is anthropomorphism appropriate to apply here?


  1. I cannot speak to my appliances, but I keep a very close eye on the whisk.

    A very close eye…

  2. Tongs have always struck me as suspect utensils. So easily can they pinch a nose or viciously grab an earlobe. Dangerous, dangerous kitchen tool.

    As for kitchen appliances: beware the electric knife bearing gifts.

  3. Anthropomorphism is the act of making something human or relating human characteristics to non-human things. So it would apply here. And it makes about as much sense as Star Trek which is also VERY anthropomorphic.
    Hey, I love watching Star Trek, but I very much doubt that 90% of aliens would look like humans dressed up in costumes. I’m sorry, it is what it is.
    And if I’m constrained to the kitchen, then I’d have to go with the toaster–that crazy devil. But I really have to point out that the most evil of them all is the stapler. **shivers** But that’s an office supply, so it is outside the domain of your question.

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