Do Track Crossers Make You Cross?

People crossing train tracks

Here we have a classic social behavior question.

When you disembark from a train and the train is still in the station, do you cross the empty tracks which separate you from your destination?

The lights are flashing. The bell is ringing. Still, there is nothing obstructing the pedestrian walkway except the little sign warning you not to cross when the bell is ringing.

You can easily look both ways down the track and see that no trains are coming.

Oh, and the social pressure is to follow the crowd, most of which is crossing. Will you really stand up for the rules and be the only person left standing there?

And if you do cross, do you automatically forfeit your right to judge drivers who race trains across crossings when the gates are down?


  1. Track crossers do make me cross. I am frustrated by their lack of consideration for others. If they want to risks their own lives, that’s certainly their choice — but don’t do so in a way that makes me and the hundreds of other people waiting for the next train late.

  2. As one who uses a train station that has this type of crossing I have to share what happened to me yesterday when I was coming home from work. I got off the train at the middle track and saw that there was a police officer on the middle track by the crossing. Of course this deterred any one who usually would cross the tracks while the lights were flashing and the bell ringing. However, there was one gentleman who apparently did not see the officer and crossed anyway. He was promptly stopped and had a talk with the police officer about his actions. I did not stick around to see if the man got a ticker or not but I had to laugh since it is obvious that the police department where I live are avid CMD readers.

  3. @ Bridget

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing. We’re glad the police is staying fully up to date on the latest from chickenmonkeydog!

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