CMD’s Man in the Field

In light of the global instances and ramifications of quirkiness, chickenmonkeydog has put a man in the field to rove the globe and seek out the off-beat occurrences around the world.

Conall Dempsey

Conall will be in and around Asia for the next two months, and you can follow his exploits at If any of you chickenmonkeydog readers happen to be in south east Asia during May or June of 2009, drop us an email and perhaps Conall will pay you a visit!

Note, Conall seems to be starting to dress a bit like Shredder, so if you are a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, you might want to hold off on trying to meet with him.


  1. What is with the mask? Do all southeast Asians wear them and does it actually do anything?

  2. @ Meghan

    Conall writes about travel, products, design, and whatever else he feels like.

    @ Operandi

    The mask was to help prevent the spread of swine flu, and apparently also to annoy everyone on my plane, because it took about an hour for them to interview each of us, and distribute these masks.

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