Caribou Coffee is ALWAYS hot!

A plastic cup of Caribou Coffee on ice

Caribou Coffee is always hot

Oh really, Mr. Caribou? ALWAYS???

Thanks to a sceptical reader from Chicago for contributing the picture and idea for this post! Don’t forget that you too can submit your quirky encounters to us for posting on our lovely little website.


  1. If the scientists at the Caribou Coffee lab have learned to keep coffee always hot, i believe that there would have to be some practical applications elsewhere besides just the coffee industry. it would , however, explain why a cup of coffee is $2.29 at this place… is not cheap

  2. I’d love to see how the Caribou scientists keep the ice cubes from melting. Now that is science that I would pay to learn about.

    As for prices, I guess Starbucks must be using lots of science if @pat’s cost to science usage ratios are correct!

  3. Or maybe we are all being too literal. Maybe they mean “hot” in a slang-type sense. “Drinking Caribou Coffee is ALWAYS sexy” or maybe they mean that it is “hot” like “stolen”. So the real question at hand is not how they keep the ice from melting at high temperatures… but who is Caribou stealing their coffee from, and why?

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