And the Name Is …

Liam and Lazy Ed, the Bike-a-saurus Rex

To begin, I really need to thank everyone who submitted suggestions via the comments and via email. Lots and lots of great ideas! This is exactly why we started this blog, to engage in a dialogue with people all over the world. And we have! At least according to Google Analytics, we have. We’ve had visitors from Canada, England, America and yes, even China!

The decision process for naming my bike has been an exciting one. The wonderful names submitted have been a great source of inspiration to me. Can I spend just a few minutes reflecting on some of the suggestions?

  1. I loved the idea of Chuck Norris. “That’s Chuck; don’t steal ‘im or he’ll kill you with his moves,” I imagined myself saying to hoodie-wearing teenagers as I parked him outside a shop without locking him up. But what would fans of Walker Texas Ranger think of it? Would naming my bike after their hero be a diss of their show?
  2. Hillary? Well, I admit that would certainly be a conversation starter, especially this year (in light of the presidential elections in the US). And how cool would that be to say, ‘Not that Hillary! Know you nothing of Sir Edmund?’
  3. As a history buff, I liked the idea of Raleigh, until I considered trademark issues and the fact that Sir Walter Raleigh’s attempts at colonies in the Americas all just mysteriously vanished. That wouldn’t do for a bike.
  4. I am afraid that Pit Stain was totally unacceptable.
  5. Charles seems to have been a popular submission, but again like Hillary, I wonder if it would prove too political a name for the bike to handle. I wouldn’t want anti-monarchists to vandalise my bike in the middle of the night.

So in the end, what did I come up with?

Well, the answer is an amalgam of lots of the suggestions: Lazy Ed, the Bike-a-saurus Rex

Lazy because I liked the idea of having a ‘z’ in my bike’s name, but also because he makes me do all the work when we go up hills. And as I live in a hilly area, we go up hills a lot.

Ed for Sir Edmund Hillary.

Bike-a-saurus Rex because he is a monster of a mountain bike.

So, there you have it. My bike has been christened. Many thanks to all of your who submitted ideas.


  1. you crack me up….love the name and it is definately a conversation starter, if not a conversation filler as there is a lot of reasoning behind each part of his name!!

  2. Thanks, Kim! We shall have to get Lazy Ed and Joan together before too long so that they can be introduced to each other.

  3. You’ve just reminded me…remember that little matter of the duff brake pads on my bike during Ye Great Bikeathon of ’06?? (was it ’06?)….break pads? Still duff. Bike? Still in Dad’s shed. SHAME ON ME.

  4. Hey Olivia –

    Of course I remember your bike journey for 26.2 miles with the brakes on! And was it ’06? Yes, yes, I think it was.

    Let’s get that bike fixed so it can come out to play with Lazy Ed!

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