An Orderly Riddle

a computer mouseI haven’t been seated next to anyone alphabetically since high-school.

Yet, every day I am put in order by name.

Every day I spend many hours right next to other people, many of whom I’ve never met.

Most of the time we are sorted in alphabetical order, but I am not even sure what their names are.

It’s not always the same people next to me.

To find the answer to this orderly riddle, just click more.

Why…it is in social networking lists!  AIM, GTalk, Skype, and other social network applications.

Every day my name sits next to other people on computer screens across the globe.

Who I am next to depends on who else you happen to be friends with, who else happens to be signed on, etc. However, it’s pretty likely that my name has been right there next to some of your other friends for hours and hours.

Have you ever wondered about your unknown electronic neighbors?


  1. What I wonder is why is it with all the means for communication at mine and my friends disposal they continue to rely almost exclusively upon the phone?

    Why not some IM? Or video chat?

  2. Just remember they are virtual neighbors. It would be ackward if you went over to there house to barrow a cup of sugar.

    Because they were born around 1965? Just a guess.

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