Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in Action

Circus Peanuts

As I waited at my local CVS for a few photos to be printed, I scanned the candy shelf looking for something to eat. My eyes fell upon on a bag of Circus Peanuts. I suddenly realized that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was at play right then and there.

  1. 99¢ is a great price for a bag full of candy … unless it’s a bag full of circus peanuts, and then it’s 99¢ too many.
  2. Premium quality is the way to go when it comes to sweets, unless it’s premium quality circus peanuts. With circus peanuts, there is no way that any amount of quality will make them worth eating.
  3. Great value … see (1).


  1. As Thanksgiving approaches in America, I am happy to say that I am not thankful for Circus Peanuts.

    Does anyone who reads or visits this blog actually eat them? I’ve never seen anyone buy them ever.

  2. That lovely color of Circus Peanuts should not be overlooked – perhaps some creative Pinterest fan can come up with some creative ways to incorporate Circus Peanuts into a decorative Fall – Halloween – Thanksgiving design!

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