Having just returned from the UK’s national commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day, I am now spurred into doing what I have meant to do all week: post a note about the importance of Holocaust Memorial Day and the need for us, as individuals to do something to commemorate the death of 6 million Jews and another 5 million others that the Nazis deemed as ‘undesirable’.
To light a virtual candle in remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust and other genocides, please visit: www.hmd.org.uk.
Do it now, before you get distracted.
And here’s what I sent out in an email last week to friends and colleagues:
As you may know, Holocaust Memorial Day is commemorated annually on 27 January. That particular date marks the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, in the closing days of World War II. It’s important to mark Holocaust Memorial Day (or HMD) not only to remember the millions of victims of the Nazi regime, but also to remember the victims of the many (far too many) genocides the world has seen before and after the Holocaust.
In 2005, the UN passed a resolution designating 27 January as the annual Holocaust Memorial Day. Wherever you may be as you read this, there is now a simple way to show your support for this important day. You can visit the website of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust – a UK-based organisation dedicated to documenting the tragedies of genocides around the world and to working towards the possibility that genocides might not happen again – and light a virtual candle.
Thanks for the post and reminding us all of the importance of Jan 27th. Take a look at this short film on a Holocost survivor that I recently ran across.