Food That I Do Not Understand

A jar of pigs feet

I appreciate that some of the modern world’s epicurean delicacies harken back to days of old when we humans ate every part of a slaughtered beast. We live closer to the earth in days gone by. By and large, we had less disposable income and resources. We ate what we had.

When considering semi-boneless pigs feet packed in vinegar, I think they must be a hold-over from history. Do people really still eat them? If so, how? Like chicken wings, with breading and a bit of spicy sauce? Perhaps in a stew? Some other way?

On a related, but definitely tangential thought, I wonder whether if space monsters invaded earth, would they consider eating human feet packed in vinegar.


  1. The German’s here in Indiana love pigs feet. I do not know why. They also eat pig brains in a sandwich. I don’t know why. Gross.

  2. Do they come boneless? Honestly, the semi-boneless makes me a little nervous and with the little kids, I’d be worried about putting it on my pizza.

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