Chicken Whisperer
BK (Brooklyn, not Burger King)

Born and raised in “the place where the whale burned,” Sean spent the first 18 years of his life in rural Upstate NY, mastering how to milk cows and do all the other hick things city-folk assume Upstaters might do, including catching frogs with one’s bare hands. Note, bare, not bear hands. Sean does not have bear hands.
As a college student in Philadelphia Sean studied film and video. However, to many relatives’ dismay, the degree did not include a wedding videographer specialty. Three years after graduation he is in the Big Apple working in “experiential design” but don’t ask him to explain what that means because he’s not very good at it.
His hobbies include burger tasting, listening to audiobooks, traveling (almost solely the east coast), and late night dancing at Irish pubs. Over the last year Sean has attempted to randomly conclude letters and emails with “Stay Golden” as his salutation, without being “that guy”. Research shows he has yet to be successful.
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