What Does the Sun Smell Like?

The sun

In a conversation with a child recently, I was asked: “What does the sun smell like?”

Aside from having absolutely no idea as to what the answer might be, I was particularly astounded by the question itself. I have never, ever, ever thought about that before. Of course, I’ve wondered about the overwhelmingly amazing light, heat and energy that our sun generates. But considering the smell it must sure generate?!? Wow.

The power of the human mind never ceases to surprise me. Creativity and insight is alive and well. Bring on the future!


  1. @ Jordan –

    Yeah, yeah, snarky science answer. (Ha-ha!)

    Can you put it in context please, because I too am curious as to the ‘real’ answer?

    Sulfur smells like rotten eggs. Hydrogen smells like … (FILL IN THE BLANK)

  2. Hydrogen smells like nothing! Neither hydrogen nor helium, the next-most-prevalent sun element, has any odor. However, if actual billion-degree hydrogen sun atoms were hitting your olfactory receptors, you would experience the smell of burning nose.

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