Should one advertise past greatness if you are no longer great? “Restaurant of the year 2007” / “Hey, I used to have a six pack” … They’re just not going to cut it in the here and now.
As we strolled along Kao San Road in Bangkok I was hoping for a great mojito, the best in fact. One little Thingrish (Thai English) mistake and, alas, this bar – previously-known-as-the-best – was swiftly bypassed.
I dunno. Anyone who made literally the BEST mojito might be likely to still be able to put together a pretty stunning one. No, they can’t promise the best again, but who can? The best has been made…now they just try to keep producing near the top of their game.
@ Conall,
So, sort of like playing basketball against Michael Jordan? Sure, he’s old and past his prime, but he could probably still school most about any non-pro’s in a game of one-on-one.