Unsolved Mysteries: Home Edition

A few days ago, in the basement of this house, I was startled to hear tiny pebbles plonking down onto a plastic folding table in one corner of the house.

Upon closer investigation, I discovered piles of tiny pebbles stacked precariously close to the top edge of the foundation wall. Sitting atop the cement wall, and next two the wooden wall framing, these pebbles were plunging four feet down onto my table and disturbing my peace.

After grabbing a flashlight, looking around and pulling out insulation, I was still at a loss as to what was causing these rocks to fall, and where they came from in the first place!


Great, isn’t it, when you discover something odd and inexplicable in your house?

If the rocky diving continues, I will surely discover the driving cause before long Still, it strikes me as interesting how these sort of puzzles are constantly popping up around the house.

Side note: While writing this post, I was thrilled to learn that while “plinking” is not a word, “plonking” is!


  1. I wonder if something was crawling along the insulation, which was pushing the rocks on the edge to fall.

    Either that or you have the very strangest ghost.

  2. Vibrations from foot traffic or even just the house settling could cause them to start falling. As to why they’er there in the first place. Do you have any voodoo spirit channelers in the neighborhood?

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