Tune Through Water

car radio in rain

Pretty much anyone who is a driver has driven in the rain, so I expect many of us have had the experience of listening to the radio while driving in the rain.

The other day I began to ponder, with a bit of amazement, just how clearly the car radio is capable of tuning into the local radio stations, despite inclement weather conditions. Even in torrential downpours and high winds, the radio signal stays strong and unwavering.

Consider that the medium through which this signal is received (the air) is simultaneously whipping around in all directions and that raindrops are pulsing through it by the billion (or even more).  It just seems quietly awesome to me.

I am sure there is some signal degradation through rain fade and the like, and the concussion of the rain off my car roof probably does not help my audio quality judgement. Still, color me impressed and happy!


  1. And yet my neighbors satellite television feed died the other day during some golf outing.

    What nature giveth it also takes away…

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