Thoughts (A Blog Post)

Bunches, a flower shop

How many people do you think walked in thinking the store was something else before the shop keeper added the explanation the Bunches is indeed (a flower shop) to the sign?


  1. I might have the same thoughts as Steve, but to be honest, I don’t think I’d walk into a store if I didn’t know what it sold.

  2. Let me paint the scene:

    A customer walks into the shop before the sign update. The customer is looking irritated. The customer is fidgeting and shifting about, even pulling at his trousers.

    Customer: Em … excuse me. (Still fidgeting)

    Shopkeeper: Yes, how can I help?

    Customer: Um, my underwear really bunches up on me. It totally goes up my crack and makes me very uncomfortable. Can you help with that?

    Shopkeeper: Geez, you’re like the 9th person to ask about that today! No! I cannot help you. This is a flower shop!

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