Third is the One with the Hairy Chest

Why do people across the web write “first” in the comments section of websites?

It’s an incredibly popular trend and I believe the habit may soon surpass baseball as America’s number one pastime. Only, I don’t get it.

Is it fun? Do other serial-commenters think you are cool if you have claim to more “first” comments than they do?

A brief search turned up a number of blog posts about this very topic, and my favorite explanation so far was found here.

Do you have any reasons to suggest why the internet is full of people who only want to add the word “first” to online discussions?

For now I am left singing that grade school rhyme, First is the worst, second is the best, third is the one with the hairy chest!


  1. FIRST!

    Sorry…I had to do it. Believe it or not, I have not done it before and never will do it again as I do not see what the thrill is.

  2. The human race is full of people who are hungry for attention. This would explain the “troll” phenomenon (the “first” might be a subset thereof). Its little more than an internet meme.

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