The Taste of Water

Cup of waterYou never can find water that tastes quite the same as the water you drink in your own house, can you?  I suppose I’ve had water that I would prefer in a taste test, but even that is rare, I think.

I am not sure if the taste is imparted by the pipes and faucet feeding my sink, or the subtle flavor that the ice-cube trays give to the ice, or simply due the water provided by the local municipality, but water in one’s own home always has a unique taste. 

Don’t get me wrong, it can take some getting used to when you move into a new house and have to adapt to the water flavor, but once you do, there is nothing like it!

It is always a bit risky when you ask for a glass of water someone’s home, because it probably will not taste very good to you, even though it may taste just right to the occupants.

Weird how that happens!


  1. That’s why you should drink beer instead. A Guiness, Bass, Bud, Corona, etc. tastes the same everywhere.


  2. @ Forkboy,

    Guinness certainly tastes different in the US than it does in the UK. The Guinness in Ireland is the best of the lot. The general suggestion is that the different sources for the water makes the Guinness itself taste best in Ireland, then in the UK, followed by the US. (Other Guinness drinkers care you weigh in on this?)

    Moreover, Budweiser in the UK tastes better than Budweiser here. I’m not talking about Budvar, but proper Budweiser. I believe it’s brewed under license somewhere in Europe and might use ever so slightly different ingredients. Not 100% sure though. But I do know that it tastes better in the UK than it does in the US.

  3. @All,

    and before anyone says Coke tastes the same worldwide, they’ve never traveled. or drank too much beer while they did.

  4. @Liam,

    True, Coke is consistently better in other countries than in the US 😀

    The power of real sugar…

  5. @Forkboy and Liam,

    I recently discovered that Guinness is also brewed under license on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Unfortunately, it is TERRIBLE as a first drink of the night! Not sure why, but it was honestly one of the worst beers I have ever had. Perhaps it was due to the water, but I would only recommend Caribbean Guinness as a last drink of the night.

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