The Open Arms of Trafalgar Square

A few months ago I was waiting to meet a friend in Trafalgar Square and noticed this little sign posted on a construction fence.

Wheelchair entrance sign at Trafalgar Square

Here’s an up-close shot of the sign itself:

Guest and Wheelchair Users Entrance

I take it that “Guests” and “Wheelchair users” aren’t particularly welcome here.


  1. “I take it that “Guests” and “Wheelchair users” aren’t particularly welcome here.”

    Now, Liam, let’s not jump to conclusions. Guests and wheelchair users are welcome to clamber over the gate.


    Quirky Indian

  2. @ QI –

    Ha-ha! Maybe this is Lord Coe’s attempt to get the ‘Wheelchair Users’ fit for the London 2012 Paralympics …

  3. To be honest, I didn’t try to actually enter. I assumed the fence was really there and not some holographic image meant to deter those not brave enough to try. So I can’t say with 100% certainty that guests and wheelchair users couldn’t enter quite easily.

  4. @ Mom –

    Indeed, I believe you are correct.

    @ Tazeen –

    Ha-ha. You’re spot on. It would be one thing if there were someone managing the gate, allowing wheelchair users and guests in, but there certainly didn’t seem to be.

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