The Joy of the Irregular Soda

Coca-ColaNo, there is nothing irregular about Coca-Cola. It is the quintessential cola, isn’t it? Arguably the most recognizable brand in the world, spreading its advertising to practically every corner of the world.

In December, I decided to scale back my daily or twice daily intake of cola beverages. I am a Pepsi kid at heart (or is it at taste?), but I found myself lacking real enjoyment in my daily can of pop. So I stopped. No point in continuing with the routine just because it is ‘the routine’.

Yesterday, after a particularly long day in the office, I suddenly decided that a cold can of soda would really hit the spot. Remembering that my local post office has a soda machine, I made my way there … and guess what? The soda only cost 55¢! Outstanding!

That can of Coke was the most refreshing cola beverage that I can remember. That which we miss does make the heart grow fonder, especially when it only costs 55¢ to rekindle the relationship.


  1. That’s so strange….last year I made an effort to decrease my intake of soda and successful it was.

    Now when I have one (every few days) it seems to much colder, fizzier, tastier, etc. It’s now a treat instead….like a dessert of sorts.

  2. I also am an enjoyer of Pepsi, although I use Diet Pepsi. I see no point in drinking unnecessary calories. I think I could not go back to regular pop now; too sweet. And Diet Pepsi consumption leads to some outstanding burps.

  3. And it seems your website is on English time. I posted just before 11pm and it says just before 6am.

  4. @ Tim,

    Diet Pepsi = better burps than from regular Pepsi?

    I had a can of Diet Caffeine-Free Coke yesterday. How does Coke get that to taste like regular Coke when Diet Coke tastes like filth in a can? Does caffeine as an ingredient make that much of a difference in the recipe?

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