It’s late on a Friday night.
All across the land, pizza remnants are being tucked into the fridge for a night of chilly repose. With the morning, comes the great cold pizza debate.
Which side are you on?
It seems that the endless debate over whether cold pizza is a delicious treat or a nasty food will never end, but who would have thought that such a beloved food could become so divisive? If you’ve ever witnessed (or taken part in) a cold-vs-hot pizza debate, you’ll know exactly what I am talking about. If not, I encourage you to take a big bite out of a cold slice in the morning and then go ask your neighbor what they think about it!
As previously stated, I like pizza.
Now. I had the great opportunity of porking many wedges of pizza down my throat at Liam’s on Friday night. I took no prisoners. There were no cold pizza refugees left for the morning. On the Saturday we went into Philadelphia to learn about your great nation’s foundation, its Constitution and the clever guys who organised all of that. Later that day we had to return to England, whose yolk you escaped from.
But my education continued even on the plane home! Thanks to the historically accurate account of a later American hero, Abraham Lincoln, I became aware after watching “Abraham Lincoln – Vampire Hunter” that many of your Southern states were infact governed by the undead. Unfortunately we do not learn from history. Much of the UK’s governing class, especially the more spectacularly right wing fringes of the Conservative Party are also drawn from the class of those who whilst, are apprently alive, have failed to reach either a Hellish or Celestial conclusion. As for the UK Independence Party, just look at the pictures…
@ Reg:
Not sure where to begin with a response, but I think that you must have had some bad pizza.
“Abraham Lincoln – Vampire Hunter”? That sounds … um … interesting. Were you oxygen deprived on the plane ride east?
Cold pizza all the way. Especially “Detroit style” with extra sauce and cripy crust. Sadly, difficult to find in Texas.
@ Tom,
Wait! Detroit has its own pizza style? Is this new? What other cities have their own pizza style?
I know that I’m given to the occasional flight of fancy but this movie exists. And I am sure I saw this – honest. Then again perhaps I need a really loooong lie down.