That’s a Prickly Gift

With all the hoopla of the second coming of Jesus Barack Obama to England recently to attend the G20 Conference, I thought it made sense to spend a bit of time monitoring the news websites. Boy, was I glad I did!

I was shocked to learn that the Queen of England likes to give a gift with a twist to foreign dignitaries. Her gift a choice? A framed photo of herself and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh. The concerning bit is her choice of frame … see the text boxed in red in the screen shot below for further. (You can click on the image to see a larger version of the same.)

The Queen giving the Obamas a gift

For accessibility reasons, we shall repeat the relevant text here:
“As for the Queen, she reportedly gave the Obamas a signed photograph of her and her husband, Prince Philip, in a sliver frame, her standard gift to foreign dignitaries.”

The editors of chickenmonkeydog would like to thank the editors of for their submission to this post!


  1. Hmmm. A frame which seems like a nice and kind gift, but which later gives the recipient a sliver as he or she tries to hang it up….a devious gift indeed. Perhaps that explains the not-quite-sincere smile!

  2. Since when is a framed photo of yourself a nice gift, Conall? This seems like a bad gift even if the frame did not hurt to touch.

  3. I would have to agree with Maire, a gift of a framed photo of yourself is rather presumptious and certainly boring. I wonder if the Queen even bothers to personally inscribe the photo. That, at least, would add a little something.

  4. @ Maire

    Notice, I just said “frame” not a framed photo. I am sure it’s like getting a frame at Target that has some random artsy black and white photo in it…you always discard that and just use the frame.

  5. Fair enough. A frame can be a gift, but it is still pretty boring. At least Obama had his staff fill an iPod for her.

  6. Do you think the Obama people loaded illegally downloaded songs onto the iPod to be hip and trendy? That would be pretty funny!

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