No Wrapping Your Body Around …

Snagged a shot of a pretty interesting warning label icon the other day. I’ll tell you what it was warning about, but first you have to guess!

We’ll be shipping a free t-shirt to the first person to get it right, but more importantly, we’re also giving away a shirt to the funniest interpretation of the icon. Get creative!

This contest is open until Tuesday, July 24th, 2012 at midnight.


  1. Warning: Machinery with high-speed rotating shafts

    or maybe

    Gingerbread Men: Beware of Rolling Pins

  2. Clearly it is telling you to not pull a Rambo and sneak into compounds by holding onto the drive shaft of a truck as you will be spun around in circles!

  3. K above obviously got the correct answer, but if not, here’s my guess: don’t wrap your body around one of these floating plastic dividers that separate the lanes in a swimming pool. Stay in your own lane, man!

  4. “bring your mind, and the rest will follow…”

    Hence…if you dont understand drive shafts, don’t even try. If you succeed in wrapping your mind around them, this will follow.

  5. I don’t think its really warning against anything. I think it is a statement about the flexibility and ruggedness of the human frame. Look how happy the gumby like figure seems. He is raising his arms wildly with his hands wide open as if to say: “This is by far the greatest work out I have ever tried. And I’ve tried the Ab Lounge!”

    I say to all, try the Gumbifier, it might be the work out for you.

    Note: Not sold in any states containing a vowel.

  6. Thanks to everyone for the clever and amusing comments! Keep coming back often as we run more contests all the time.

    We’d like to congratulate Katie on being the first to reply with the correct, answer. This icon was on a warning label on the side of a cement truck, in fact.

    We’re still chuckling that someone’s job is to find ways to express such situations in simple monochrome icons.

    Although we liked all of the submissions, we’re giving the award for funniest interpretation to Srini! Congrats.

    You winners, expect an email from ChickenMonkeyDog about your shirt size and mailing address shortly!

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