Mugshots: a Government Sales Opportunity

A sketch of a face on a coffee mug

In between a series of meetings today at a couple of different Starbucks, I had a thought: What if local and federal police forces offered the people that they arrest the chance to get their mugshots on a coffee mug?

On a related note, yes, it was a long day …


  1. Interesting thought. Also, I happen to know one of the Starbucks you visited today was in Exton, PA (or at least I am assuming it was) because I found one of your business cards on a table there and it piqued my curiosity… so here I am.

  2. @ Kate,

    Wow! Thanks for joining our little quirky conversation here. So glad that you found one of our cards. Yeah! Please do make yourself at home. Visit often. Join in the conversation.

  3. Would you be able to buy mugs from other people’s arrests?

    I could see buying a mug for someone else who has turned their life around. A gift that says “See! You’ve come a long way since you were arrested for drunk and disorderly.”

  4. I could certainly see some of the funnier mugshots (which are often published in local and regional newspapers online), being sold as gag gifts! Maybe the arrested individual could even get some of the profits.

  5. Would the subject of the mug shot be given royalties or would that be considered financially profiting from your crime (which I believe is illegal in the US)?

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