Reading the newspaper this weekend, I was struck by how frequently the writers use some version of the phrase “[Some Person] did not respond immediately when contacted for comment.”
It’s funny, because this statement usually follows a story which hints at the fact that Some Person has committed some sort of crime or other unfavorable action. This lack of response seems to imply guilt…or at least avoidance.
However, I wonder what the authors mean by “immediate response.”
I only get a small number of phone calls and emails each week, yet even I do not respond immediately to most of them. In fact, unless you call me three times in a row in quick succession, I am unlikely to even rush to listen to your voicemail. I will defer until I have time to take it in.
I guess I should just be glad that the papers are not writing about me being involved in scandals or crimes, because I have no doubt that they would be able to say that I did not respond immediately to their request for comments.