Gold Leaves

A pile of leaves and a pile of tinsel

When walking down my street a few weeks ago, I came across two piles on the ground. On the right, crunchy leaves from a nearby tree. On the left, sparkly gold and silver tinsel from Halloween.

It got me thinking: what if trees had leaves of sparkly gold and silver tinsel? Could you imagine a land in which trees grew something so vibrant? Why doesn’t nature grow more bright reflective things? Imagine if there were a plant that grew chrome, or an animal that had a reflective surface? Imagine how many deer would be saved if they had a mirror-like reflection, and would bounce the light back at the oncoming cars? On second thought, maybe that would cause more accidents. “What color eyes do you have?” “Silver.” Someday…

1 comment

  1. Well, tree’s don’t want to reflect light away. They want to absorb as much of it as they can.

    All except the green which they throw away. Incidentally that’s why leaves are green.

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