Browsing through this 1975 copy of the Joy of Cooking cookbook I was surprised to see detailed drawings and instructions for skinning and butchering small game.
A quick look through the cookbooks on my shelf doesn’t turn up anything so tremendously gory.
Is it that the editorial direction given to cookbooks has been evolving? Or, has the general public’s lifestyle changed, such that not many people are butchering animals at home anymore? Regardless of your stance on eating meat, this graphic depiction of an animal being prepared for a meal is strange.
For some reason I don’t anticipate a Rachel Ray special on how to skin a squirrel as part of a 30 Minute Meal!
Tip of the hat to a couple of readers from Riverwoods, Illinois for point out this quirky cookbook.
We have copy of the Joy of Cooking, which is only a few years old.
Nope: definitely not in the modern version.
And 1975 isn’t all that long ago. Being 10 at the time I don’t recall anyone hunting, skinning and eating rabbit or squirrel.
At least no one that could read.
Man is growing week and more and more dependent on technology.
Yes, I’m a programmer. That’s besides the point.
Ok, so now I’m curious. Would “The Joy of cooking” agree or disagree with the statement that there is more than one way to skin a cat?