Bulk Porn Worries Me

Adult Super Center signOn a recent drive across the eastern half of the USA, I saw way too many billboards and big store signs advertising what was outlet shopping for porn. That there is such a market for not just porn, but the bulk purchase of porn, is really frightening. And why do they need to advertise it so heavily along the highways? Do people really make interstate shopping runs to save a few bucks on those 15 porn DVD’s they have been meaning to pick up?

As I return to life in the USA, I am finding that all is not the same as I left it in 2002. Is this porn outlet explosion new? Or did I just not notice it before?


  1. I am glad to see that at least they are closed on Sunday. I am a little amused that the shop opens at 9:00 a.m. That seems awfully early to be making the porn run. Who is stopping there, the mom in the mini-van?

  2. @ Liam,

    I think your recent comments are revealing a call for help. Have you spoken to someone about your issues? You are starting to worry the editors and other readers of chickenmonkeydog.com.

  3. @ Steve,

    Ah, you must be back from your therapy. You’ve been quiet for a while. How did it go?

    I guess the docs are still working on your projection issues, but hey, keep reading chickenmonkeydog and I am sure your problems will right themselves in the end. We’re here for you!

  4. Ha, I love you man.

    On a more serious note, I think the pornography industry has been growing recently due to people searching for a love that satisfies and trying this out because of popular culture and the media… the problem is that the pornographic world is based on using “love” and never satisfies. We all know deep down inside that pornography is not the real world. The problem is that it is destroying our view of the human person being a gift, destroying relationships, and hurting the nuclear family. No wonder we are seeing an increase in advertisements for “making your intimate life more steamy, etc…” This stuff doesn’t work based on all the issues we see in relationships today and will never satisfy the deepest longings of the human heart. It is addictive and will leave people wanting and empty. We only receive ourselves when we give of ourselves sincerely. Some works that promote the authentic vision of love can be found… such as “Love and Responsibility” by Karol Wojtyla or something simpler like “Men, Women, and the mystery of love” by Edward Sri. See also http://www.ChristopherWest.com for a fantastic introductory speaker on all this. I don’t think you will be disappointed. Most of us have never heard it said this way.

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