Ants Like Crazy Big Food

ants carting away a potato chip

Yesterday I ate lunch outside, dropping a part of a potato chip on the ground at some point during the meal. A few minutes after the meal was cleared away, I noticed a massive swarm of ants carting away the fallen potato chip. Recalling our previous discussions of big food, I scooted off my chair and I climbed down close to inspect the ant’s grocery run.

Wow! The number of ants that had gathered to clear away the chip was well over 20 and probably closer to 50. They were scurrying over and under the chip, moving it slowly but steadily down the crack in the concrete patio.

Watching the ants carry away the food, I was surprised by the thought of trying to get that big of a piece of food home. Can you imagine finding a potato chip big enough to require 20+ people to help you carry it? Would you want to eat the chip, or would you be grossed out by its size?

Also, I wondered how the ants were going to get the chip ‘in the door’ of their anthill. Would they just cart it home and then call of the other ants out to the ‘front yard’ for a mother of a feast?


  1. With that big of a salty chip, what are the ants going to do for a drink? All that salt is bound to make them thirsty.

  2. Also, when I read of those Guinness Book of World Record size hamburgers, pancakes, etc., I always get a bit grossed out. I am pretty sure that I found a potato chip that required 20 people to carry it, that I would not want any of it. Pretty sure it would gross me out …

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