Amateur Astronomers Beware!

As a public service announcement to any budding amateur astronomers who read chickenmonkeydog, please be careful:

Telescope warning

The warning reads:
WARNING! Do not look at the Sun through this telescope. Concentrated sunlight may cause serious eye injury. Children should use only with adult supervision.

While it may be common knowledge that it can harm one’s eyes to stare directly into the sun, it is a lesser known fact that using a powerful amateur telescope to do the same is also harmful. Huh … who knew? Good thing the manufacturers placed that key warning sticker on the Skyquest Dobsonian telescope.


  1. So, does this also mean it is dangerous for me to drink the orange juice that comes from concentrate and is made from sun-soaked oranges?

  2. @ Conall – I think it would be dangerous, or at least costly, if you tried to drink that juice through the telescope.

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